Welcome to my Photography Classroom! These Classes are set up for you to meet Online with me or you can just watch a Recorded Class video which is a self paced Class and both have Assignments as well! And we would set up Dates and Times for the Online live Classes. Whichever way works best for you! And there are 2 Series that you can choose from, also all Classes have Handouts and Assignments and we will have a Critique Class to go over all of the Assignments with your Images in the Series. Also all Elective Classes can be purchased individually instead of taking a Series if you want just the specific subject to learn. And there are assignments for all of the Electives as well. Please email me with any questions: 

Prices for the Series are $220.00

Prices for the Electives are $80.00

5 Weeks Online Digital Photo 1 Beginners Series

Class 1 Taking Better Pict's

Class 2 Compositions

Class 3 Digital Workflow/Image Management

Class 4 Your chosen Elective Class!

Class 5 Photo Editing

5 Week Online Digital Photo 2 Intermediate Series 

Class 1 Intermediate Class

Class 2 Compositional Styles

Class 3 Special Effects with your Digital Camera

Class 4 Your chosen Elective Class!

Class 5 Your chosen Elective Class!



Taking Better Picts: Are you still getting to know your digital camera and its features? Here’s an opportunity to learn from Steve in this Class for beginners. Bring your camera and learn when and how to use its special features, such as program mode, manual mode, aperture priority and shutter priority. Also covered will be basic composition and best use of light for different situations!

Intermediate Class:

If you’re comfortable with the Basics of Digital Photography, then this course is for you. In this course we will explore the use of Intermediate Camera Controls such as Metering, Exposure and Exposure Compensation. Also using the RAW function on your Camera and how to edit using Photoshop Elements. We will take an In-depth look into Manual Focus and its use, using Fill Flash as well as Reflectors. As well as Controlling Motion, Composition, and many other Intermediate and Advanced Techniques.


This Class will teach students how to improve the Composition of their Photographs! We will cover composition techniques like the Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, Filling the Frame! and many other techniques for improving all types of subjects including plants, animals, landscapes, people, kids and pets. Some abstract techniques will also be shown. An assignment will be given at the end of the first class to reinforce techniques discussed in class and then the following week, the assignment photos will be shared and Critiqued and talk about the Images!

Compositional Styles: Series 2

Reflections in Photography:

Digital Workflow/Image Management

Sports Photography

Photoshop Elements

Panoramic Photography

Macro/Close Up 



Special Effects

Still Life Photography

Smartphone Photography

Outdoor Photography

Garden Photography